The 2020 IORMS International Conference is planned to be virtual event following restrictions necessitated by the Covid-19 Pandemic.
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Overcoming Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic: An Operational Research Optimisation Approach.
- Operational framework for resilient Health Management and Delivery System during the lingering global pandemic.
- Operational Research methods and tools for for online education amidst Covid-19 Pandemic.
- Optimising Natural Gas and petroleum value chain rebound for global pandemic
- R & D for optimisation of Solid Minerals exploitation to mitigate economic recession
- Operational Research models and tools for resource management amidst multiple constraints during a global pandemic.
November 17 - 19, 2020
Paper for Presentation:
For those interested in presenting Papers at the event, kindly submit Abstracts to
Abstracts should be in Ms Word or PDF document format.
For enquires, Participation and Sponsorship, please contact:
The Registrar: +234-802-389-2008
LOC: +234-803-327-7987, 08035524502
Click here to indicate interest to participate >>
Event Venue
Online through Zoom NetworkLocaiton
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