
Resources Optimization for Economic Recovery

The IORMS Porthacourt International Conference on Operations Research.

IORMS Conference 2023

Bringing together OR researchers, academicians and practitioners, whose collective works have sustained OR contribution to decision-making and whose current work is expected to play an important role in surmounting challenges in developing countries.

‘Operational research crucial’ – The Nation Nigeria News

“Anywhere we are,we will face resource limitation,many times urgency will develop, sometimes emergency will develop and global demand will always be with us,on top of all of these,we now face the COVID-19 pandemic.We must usher in all intellectual resources under the umbrella of operational research to do the best job we can do,”

Christopher Thron with Conference Participants

Fulbright scholar Christopher Thron (Associate Prof. of Mathematics, Texas A&M University) participated in the second annual conference of the Institute of Operational Research and Management Science of Nigeria (IORMS)

Dynamic Programming: Concepts and Applications

The conference theme was “The Role of Operations Research in Achieving Sustainable Development.” Besides giving a plenary address on “Dynamic Programming: Concepts and Applications,”